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Marianna Rasamoela

Marianna Rasamoela

Senior Manager, Energy Markets, Avantus

Marianna Rasamoela, Senior Manager of Energy Markets at Avantus, plays a crucial role in the renewable energy sector. Avantus, the largest independent solar and storage developer in the US, benefits from Marianna’s extensive experience and deep understanding of energy markets, particularly in the CAISO and the Southwest. Her strategic insights continue to propel Avantus’ growth in the renewable energy sector.

Marianna’s decade-long journey in the energy industry has seen her expertise span across supply chain and energy markets. She began her career at PowerAdvocate (now Wood Mackenzie), where she worked with utilities to optimize their Transmission & Distribution (T&D) spend. In her subsequent role on the trade floor at Southern California Edison, Marianna was instrumental in onboarding and strategizing for the first co-located solar plus storage power plants, marking a significant milestone in the industry.

Marianna holds a Master's degree in Economics and Energy from Johns Hopkins, SAIS.
