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  1. Patio Room
    • Solar
    • Policy and regulation
    • Community solar

    8:30-9:15 AM PST

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    Electric Rule 21 describes interconnection, operating, and metering requirements but it doesn't consider energy equity. Yet such consideration is baked into California's policies via SB 350. This session will explore ways to make California's grid a more inclusive and equitable one. Panelists will explain how the interconnection process can be a barrier to renewable energy, discuss the financing challenges facing LMI projects and incentives to develop them, and innovative and collaborative projects in CA.

  2. Plaza Ballroom III
    • Virtual power plants
    • Electric vehicle and the grid
    • Utility-scale

    8:30-9:15 AM PST

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    From data to action!  In the world of utility data, none may be more valuable to the modern energy system than smart meter data.  With modern technology solutions and the cloud, the world has changed in terms of what can be done with this data to fundamentally shift the use cases in how utilities can use smart meter data to drive their operations and business; to help them deal with the challenges created by the integration of renewables and electrification. 

    In this session, we will hear perspectives from Dean Van Gerrevink, GM of Smart Meter solutions with Vector Technology Solutions, with a compelling perspective and set of use cases from Vector in Australia and New Zealand where they are facing energy transition challenges similar to California and other parts of the US.

  3. Plaza Ballroom I II
    • Virtual power plants
    • Battery storage
    • DER

    9:30-10:15 AM PST

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    Battery energy storage is a multifunctional solution for a variety of grid constraints.  California just approved energy systems connecting to the grid with export schedules. There's great potential for using storage not just for meeting energy demands but also for providing ancillary services. This session will explore market incentives and how they're guiding battery development while exploring innovative and creative battery projects.

  4. Patio Room
    • Virtual power plants
    • Battery storage
    • Utility-scale

    9:30-10:15 AM PST

    This session will delve into the value streams that Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) can offer in shaping the future of the California grid. Panelists will share their insights on how batteries can be leveraged to provide energy, ancillary services, and potentially avoid or delay transmission upgrades while maintaining grid reliability. Additionally, the panel will discuss challenges related to modeling and the regulatory landscape.

  5. Pacific Room
    • Policy and regulation
    • Utility-scale

    9:30-10:15 AM PST

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    FERC Order 2023-A is a landmark decision updating generator interconnection procedures and agreements. Some alterations have been made to the cluster study process, analyzing affected systems, and reforms for technological advancements to be considered in the interconnection process. If you’re like PGE, you’re probably elbow-deep in figuring out how to address these drastic changes.

    Join this session to learn how to shift processes, reconceptualize workload prioritization and the use of consultants, and ensure organizational alignment to make the journey to compliance as painless as possible. 

  6. Plaza Ballroom I II
    • Microgrids
    • Virtual power plants
    • Battery storage

    10:30-11:15 AM PST

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    As wildfires become increasingly frequent in California, clean energy microgrids are emerging as a resiliency solution. This session will discuss the advantages of using small-scale, local energy sources disconnected from regional grids during emergencies. 

  7. Patio Room
    • Solar
    • Policy and regulation
    • Community solar

    10:30-11:15 AM PST

    Can a community solar program survive (or thrive?) in California? Is it even legal? This session will discuss California's Community Solar Initiative. Panelists will delve into the program's unique features including storage and elaborate on incentive structures that could promote the development of such an industry. The session will also include the latest developments in the program and discuss how disadvantaged communities could be included. 

  8. Plaza Ballroom III
    • System planning
    • Policy and regulation
    • Utility-scale

    10:30-11:15 AM PST

    The Western grid is in the midst of a transformation designed to boost reliability, support decarbonization efforts, and improve regional cooperation. The recently approved extended day-ahead market (EDAM) presents an opportunity to improve market efficiency and expedite clean energy deployment. This panel discussion will unpack CAISO’s market evolution and its focus on supporting regional cooperation across the West. 

  9. Plaza Ballroom I II
    • Policy and regulation
    • DER

    11:30-12:15 PM PST

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    The U.S. Department of Energy Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) convened diverse stakeholders across the U.S. electricity ecosystem to formulate a practical 5-year Strategic Roadmap for implementing simpler, faster, and fairer interconnection processes while enhancing the reliability, resiliency, and security of our distribution and transmission grid networks. Through a series of virtual meetings covering key issues such as cost allocation, queue management, data transparency, equity, workforce, and grid engineering practices, the i2X team facilitated numerous open dialogues about important interconnection issues, knowledge gaps, practical short-term solutions, and few paradigm-shifting ideas. The result is a roadmap for the next five years of interconnection innovation for stakeholders by stakeholders.

    This is your chance to share your feedback and comments with the Department of Energy and i2X!